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Why You Can Depend On God’s Word (2) - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Why You Can Depend On God’s Word (2) details logo    The Word for Today - Thursday, January 9, 2014
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Why You Can Depend On God’s Word (2)

‘The Word of God whicheffectively works in you'1 Thessalonians 2:13 NKJV

Observe two things: 1) God's Word is inspired. Chuck Swindoll writes: ‘We've no problem with the Giver of truthbut wasn't the truth corrupted when He relayed it through sinful men? This is the perfect moment to get acquainted with revelation, inspiration and illumination. Revelation occurred when God gave His truth, inspiration when writers received and recorded it, and illumination when we understand and apply it. Your confidence in the Bible is directly related to your confidence in inspiration. How can we be sure it's error-free and trustworthy? Paul provides help answering this question: "All Scripture is inspired by Godfor teachingshowing people what is wrong in their livescorrecting faults, and for teaching how to live right" (2 Timothy 3:16 NCV). When God revealed His truth to human writers He "breathed out" His Word. When we dictate a letter, we "breathe out a message" and someone else types it. So did the writers simply take dictation? If you know much about the Bible, you realisePeter doesn't sound like John. John doesn't sound like David. Somehow, each writer's personality was preserved without corrupting the textthat rules out the idea of dictation. Peter says, "NoScripture ever came from the prophet's own understanding, orhuman initiative[They] were moved by the Holy Spirit, andspoke from God" (2 Peter 1:20-21 NLT). That answers that question! 2) It'll hold you up. When you go through chaotic experiences, God's Word gives you stability. No other counsel will get you through the long haul. No other truth will help you stand firm in storms of doubt and uncertainty. No other reality will give you the strength you need each day.'

Soul Food Reading: Lev 13:38-14:57 Prov 1:29-31


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