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Never Engage In Slander - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Never Engage In Slander details logo    The Word for Today - Sunday, March 20, 2016
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Never Engage In Slander

‘To slander is to be a fool.' Proverbs 10:18 TLB
IT'S RARE to find a political candidate these days who runs a totally clean campaign. But slandering isn't limited to politicians. Given the right set of circumstances, each one of us can be tempted to denigrate the other. Before you do, however, read these words carefully: ‘LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbour no wrong and casts no slur on his fellow-man' (Psalm 15:1-3 NIVUK 1984 Edition). Can you recall the last time you spoke words that tore someone down? What was your motive? Why did you feel a need to diminish them in the eyes of other people? Were you speaking out of the pain of having been hurt by them? Did you envy their accomplishments? If so, have you not learned to let eny motivate you to achieve your own goals instead of making you defame another? Is it possible you grudgingly admire and desire something the other person has? The Bible says, ‘Promotioncome[s] from God' (Psalm 75:6-7 TLB). This Scripture should cause you to become a team player, not a competitor. There's no reason to snuff somebody else's light out so that yours can shine. God has already declared that no one can thwart His purpose for your life: ‘The Lord [Almighty] has spoken - who can change his plans?' When his hand moves, who can stop him? (Isaiah 14:27 TLB). And since God has already secured your destiny and promised to avenge all wrongs perpetrated against you, you never need to engage in slander.

Bible In A Year: Luke 5:17-39, Psalm 31-32


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