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Don’t Quarrel, And Avoid People Who Do - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Don’t Quarrel, And Avoid People Who Do details logo    The Word for Today - Wednesday, March 9, 2016
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Don’t Quarrel, And Avoid People Who Do

‘The Lord's servant must quarrel.' 2 Timothy 2:24 NIV (1984 Edition)
LET'S CONSIDER why some people are given to quarrelling: 1) They grew up in homes where it was a pattern so they think it's normal, but it's certainly not Christ-like. The Bible says, ‘Avoiding a fight is a mark of honour; only fools insist on quarrelling' (Proverbs 20:3 NLT). 2) To boost their self-worth. Some folks only feels good about themselves when they're attacking the validity of somebody else's opinions and beliefs, and manoeuvring that person into defending their position. The quarreller's goal isn't to add value to other people's lives by showing them the error of their ways; it's pure one-upmanship. Solomon says, ‘Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before a dispute breaks out' (Proverbs 17:14 NLT). Does that mean you shouldn't stand up for what you believe? No, it means you must learn to disagree without being disagreeable! When you're mean-spirited, you do more harm than good. Benjamin Franklin was known to have remarked diplomatically. ‘On this point, I agree. But on the other, if you don't mind, may I take exception?'. If you've a tendency to be argumentative, remember that it costs you absolutely nothing to respect someone's opinion - especially on matters of no eternal consequence. That's why Paul told Timothy, ‘The Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to observation, not through argument'. So the word for you today is - don't quarrel, and avoid people who do!

Bible In A Year: Numbers 13-14, Mark 6:1-29


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