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Caring Versus Controlling - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Caring Versus Controlling details logo    The Word for Today - Saturday, February 13, 2016
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Caring Versus Controlling

‘The Lord gives Wisdom' Proverbs 2:6 AMP
WHEN KAREN O'Connor and her husband attended a marriage seminar on love and respect, it was an eye-opener. She writes: ‘What I was hearing hit close to home I laid out my husband's vitamins and prescriptions every morning even though he knows the routine better than me. I assumed unless I took charge he'd ignore or forget them. I "suggested" what foods would help him lose weight, and took over researching some facts he needed for a speech he was writingWhile some see these actions as helpful, in my case they were about controltrying to manage direct my husband in matters that are his business. I thought my way was better so I imposed itHere are some of the challenges couples face and how we can change our responses: Old behaviour: answering questions directed at your mate. New behaviour: being quiet while your spouse replies - and learning something from their response. Old behaviour: giving unsolicited advice. New behaviour: listeningtrusting your mate to find his/her own solution, and supporting that discovery. Old behaviour: explaining your partner's point of view to them. New behaviour: waiting to hear their viewpoint and encouraging it. Old behaviour: making financial decisions without consulting your mate. New behaviour: presenting investment opportunities and talking them over together. Both husbands and wives admitted feeling enbarrassed, judged, put down, and angry when their spouses stepped in and answered, or made decisions without asking them. Everyone needs helpbut crashing your mate's boundaries and manipulating the outcome is something else. When you're anxious or uncertain about when to step in and when to step aside, pray for guidance.'

Bible In A Year: Leviticus 1-3, Matthew 24:1-28


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