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Look For Things To Be Grateful For - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Look For Things To Be Grateful For details logo    The Word for Today - Friday, January 22, 2016
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Look For Things To Be Grateful For

‘Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.' Psalm 68:19 NKJV
THE STORY is told of a twelve-year old boy who had never spoken a word in his life. As a result, his parents thought he couldn't speak. Then one day his mother placed a bowl of soup in front of him and he took a spoonful. He pushed it away and said, ‘This is awful; I won't eat it!' The family was ecstatic. His father said, ‘Why haven't you ever talked to us before?' The boy replied, ‘Because up until now everything's been okay.' The only time some of us speak is to complain! You say, ‘But I've got nothing to be grateful for.' Really? If you slept eight hours last night, there are millions of insomniacs who would gladly switch places with you. If you have a job, a roof over your head, and three square meals a day, there are millions of unemployed people who would like to have your problem. If you were able to get out of bed this morning and move through the day pain free, you're blessed with the gift of health. Without it you would truly have something to complain about! And what about your salvation? What price would you put on that? Your sins have been forgiven, you have peace with God, and when you die you have a home in heaven. Sure, we all have trials and tough days. But don't insult God and belittle His blessings by saying you don't have anything to be grateful for. It's time you started talking to yourself, as David the psalmist did: ‘Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits' (Psalm 103:2 KJV).

Bible In A Year: Genesis 46-48, Matthew 13:1-30


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