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Knowing who belongs in your life - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Knowing who belongs in your life details logo    The Word for Today - Wednesday, July 17, 2024
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Knowing who belongs in your life

‘I will test them for you there; and he of whom I say to you, 'This man shall go with you,' shall go with you;...’ Judges 7:4 RSV

Gideon chose thirty-two thousand soldiers to fight the Midianites. But the truth is, you don’t need lots of people in your life, you just need the right people. So, when Gideon said, ‘Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return home’ (Judges 7:3 RSV), twenty-two thousand soldiers left. But God told him he still had too many, and added, ‘I will test them to determine who will go with you and who will not.’ (see Judges 7:4)

Consequently, Gideon ended up with three hundred soldiers—but they won the battle! Don’t worry about numbers; God can still do more with less. Just be prepared to lose some friends, for where God is taking you, they can’t go. God took the same spirit that rested on Moses and placed it on seventy leaders so they could help him (see Numbers 11:16-17). That’s what you need—people with the same spirit as you. Just because somebody is talented doesn’t mean they belong in your life. If spiritual gifts are the standard by which we measure, what about Balaam’s donkey? He prophesied (see Numbers 22:21-33)!

The important question is, ‘Does this person have the right spirit?’ As you work with others, recognise that we all have certain things in common. People like to feel special, so compliment them (just make sure it’s genuine). They want a better tomorrow, so give them hope. They want direction, so lead them. They’re self-concerned, so address their needs first. They get low emotionally, so encourage them. They want success, so help them achieve it. Your success depends on having the right people in your life. That’s why you must pray and rely on God’s guidance.

SoulFood: 2 Sam 12:1 – 14:20 Luke 7:24-35 Ps 118:10-18 Pro 18:7-9


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