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Treasure your children - All The Word for Today Daily Devotionals for 2024

Treasure your children details logo    The Word for Today - Wednesday, February 1, 2024
  by Bob and Debby Gass
Treasure your children

‘Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD...' Psalm 127:3 ESV

A Christian psychologist writes: ‘Several months ago, I talked to a man who described one of the most painful experiences of his life. When he was seventeen, he was one of the stars on his high school football team. But his father, a very successful man in the city, was always too busy to come and see him play. The final game of the season came around, which happened to be the state championship. The boy was desperate to have his dad there. The night of the big game, he was on the field warming up when he looked into the stadium just in time to see his father arrive with two other men, each wearing a business suit. They stood talking together for a moment or two and then left.

The man who told me this story is now fifty-eight years of age, and yet he had tears streaming down his cheeks as he relived that moment long ago. It's been forty years since that night, and yet the rejection and pain are as vivid as ever. I was struck again by the awesome influence a father has in the lives of his children. When he is uninvolved, when he doesn't show love or care for them, it creates a vacuum that reverberates for decades. My friend's father died not long ago. As he stood by his dad's body in the mortuary, he said, ‘Dad, I never really knew you. We could have shared so much love together -but you never had time for me.' If you're a parent or grandparent, remember that children are a gift from God. Treasure and enjoy them.

SoulFood: Num 11-13 Matt 10:21-31 Ps 107:17-22 Pro 3:21-24


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