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December 31, 2015 - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

December 31, 2015 details logo    The Good Seed - Thursday, December 31, 2015
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
December 31, 2015

Today's reading: Luke 4:16-37

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages
Again we stand on the threshold of a New Year. In the course of the past months every one of us will have experienced some changes. Maybe some radical adjustments became necessary in our personal lives. Or loved ones close to us were called away through death. We may have become very lonely.
However our life has developed, one thing remains: our Lord Jesus Christ is always the same. He knows no change, nor any shadow of turning. He is unalterably the eternal One. What a consolation that is for us in the restless age we are living in! We can know the Rock of Ages and own Him to be our One and All.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today. What He was for the believers of former centuries or decades He is for us at the present time. Whether it is a question of His love or the faithfulness with which He guides, protects and cares for His own, He never changes.
And what He is today, He will be in all eternity. He will never stop loving us and filling our hearts with joy and satisfaction. What a wonderful Lord and Saviour He is! Shouldn't we trust Him absolutely? If He bore with His own in great patience yesterday, if He will rejoice our hearts in all eternity, won't He be sufficient for us today and tomorrow? He certainly will!
This blessing is His promise for us. Do you own Him as your personal Saviour?


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