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Dramatic rescue (4) - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2025

Dramatic rescue (4) details logo    The Good Seed - Thursday, January 9, 2025
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
Dramatic rescue (4)

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Hebrews 12:2

Dramatic rescue (4)
At 6:20 pm, the English steamer sent an SOS, and at 6:35 pm, the rescue cruiser Borkum has left the island, but it is not until 7:35 pm that it reaches the scene of the accident.

However, it cannot go alongside the freighter and cannot make a line connection because the storm is too strong. So the captain tries to pass close enough to the bow of the Teeswood so the sailors can jump into the boat. But again and again the lifeboat is thrown back, a huge breaker gets in between, and it has to turn away – but again and again it takes a new run-up to get close enough. But none of the sailors dares to jump.

The law of the sea demands that the captain be the very last to leave his sinking ship. But since no one jumps, under these circumstances the captain decides to jump first: as an example and an encouragement to his men. He jumps and lands safely in the lifeboat. And now the others also jump: they jump at the risk of their lives and with the courage born of desperation; but they also land safely in the lifeboat. The captain’s jump is only a weak example of something much greater: Jesus Christ is “the author”, the originator or leader of faith. He took the first step, went ahead of everyone, laid the foundation, and thus gave us a perfect example to follow.

At the same time, He is also the “finisher of our faith”, who won a glorious victory on the cross and triumphantly completed His journey in faith. Yes, Jesus Christ “has abolished death, but has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10).

(to be concluded tomorrow)

Today’s reading: Hosea 9:1-17 · James 4:11-17


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