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Ruth, a Moabite widow, moves to Bethlehem in... - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

Ruth, a Moabite widow, moves to Bethlehem in... details logo    The Good Seed - Wednesday, October 23, 2024
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
Ruth, a Moabite widow, moves to Bethlehem in...

And she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz …
Ruth 2:3

Ruth, a Moabite widow, moves to Bethlehem in Israel with her Israelite mother-in-law, Naomi. Her parents-in-law had left this place many years ago because of a famine and had emigrated to Moab. There, first Ruth’s father-in-law and later her husband had died. Now Ruth decides to follow her mother-in-law to her homeland because she feels connected to the God of Israel and His people.

It is a moving story that has a beautiful ending: Ruth meets the rich Boaz, they marry and have a son who becomes an ancestor of King David – and thus of the Messiah Jesus Christ. The apparent “coincidence” that brings Ruth and Boaz together is due to God’s guidance.

Those who live a life with God may still have such experiences today. This was also the case with a Christian who travelled to Russia with Bibles at the time of the Cold War. In Romania, a woman asked him for a Romanian Bible. She had tried to tell the Sinti and Roma about Jesus Christ, but without having her own Bible. Unfortunately, the man had to reply that he had only packed Russian Bibles. But the woman didn’t let up:

“I can’t believe that. It is so important for me. Don’t you have at least one Romanian Bible with you?” At this, she picked up individual Bibles in the trunk. Suddenly she gave a start and exclaimed, “But here is a Romanian Bible! God thought of me!”

The Christian was speechless, because he had put together and loaded the Bibles himself – and probably packed this one Bible in Romanian by mistake. A coincidence? No, God Himself had taken care of it. This is how God uses apparent “coincidences” in our lives to show us His great love.

Today’s reading: 2 Kings 18:1-25 · 1 John 4:7-14


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