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The Lord Jesus is able - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

The Lord Jesus is able details logo    The Good Seed - Saturday, June 29, 2024
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
The Lord Jesus is able

Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:25

The Lord Jesus is able
During our walk of faith on earth, the Lord Jesus is active for us in heaven as High Priest. When problems arise that overwhelm us, He is able to help. When great hardships arise that threaten to sink us, He is able to stand by us. There is no situation in which we cannot count on His support and comfort.

As a merciful and faithful High Priest, He is able to help us when we are tested (Hebrews 2:17–18). In certain situations in life, no human being can assist us. As an example, a student has to pass their final exam alone. Or there might be health problems where doctors are at a loss. But the Lord Jesus in heaven can always help. Sometimes, however, it takes some time until we are ready to accept His help and lean completely on Him.

In Hebrews 4:15 we read that our High Priest in heaven is able to have compassion on our weaknesses. Because Jesus Christ lived as a man on earth, He understands us when we are tired or hungry. He knows what it means to be alone or to be in pain. When no one understands our need, when no human being can comfort us, the Lord is able to have real compassion. Let us open our hearts to Him and tell Him what troubles us! He does not despise our weakness but can sympathise with our suffering.

Today’s reading: 2 Samuel 2:12-32 · Colossians 4:1-6


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