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The Family Tree of Jesus Christ - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

The Family Tree of Jesus Christ details logo    The Good Seed - Saturday, March 23, 2024
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
The Family Tree of Jesus Christ

The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.
Matthew 1:1

The Family Tree of Jesus Christ
The Gospel according to Matthew begins with the family tree of Jesus Christ. With the individuals who are listed there, it is noticeable that it concerns a record of people who all failed, more or less. But why did God decide to “choose” exactly these ancestors for the Messiah? We can only see His mercy in this. Just this list of persons makes it undoubtedly clear why God came in the person of His Son.

The second thing that stands out about the genealogy of Jesus Christ is the women mentioned in it: Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah; Rahab, the prostitute from Jericho; Ruth, the Moabitess; Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah; and lastly Mary, the wife of Joseph. Why was Jesus, the Lord of lords, connected in this way with women who did not have a good reputation? It appears that, by referring to His family history, He wanted to express what was close to His heart.

When Jesus came to earth, His outward glory did not shine in majestic splendour. It was rather His being as true God and true man that made a deep impression. The apostle John calls Him “the Word” who was eternal and then became flesh, that is, man (John 1:1, 14). Matthew mentions that He is “Emmanuel”, that is, God with us. How incomprehensible is His mercy! But the Son of God did not come living a splendid life among the best of men. He came to the poor, to His miserable people, and to us. What a proof of His love for us! No matter what our life story has been, Jesus is not ashamed of us. When He enters our lives as Saviour, we may leave the past behind.

Today’s reading: Deuteronomy 11:18-32 · Matthew 25:1-13


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