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Starting the day with praise to God - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

Starting the day with praise to God details logo    The Good Seed - Monday, February 20, 2024
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
Starting the day with praise to God

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God.
Psalm 147:1

Starting the day with praise to God
Alina comes to school cheerful every day. The teacher notices this. Once she asks Alina, "How come you are so happy every morning?" The girl replies, "My mother sings me to school." When the teacher inquires, it turns out that Alina's mother sings while preparing breakfast.

At a parents' evening, the teacher asks Alina's mother about it. She begins to talk frankly: "I used to always be in a bad mood in the morning. I noticed that this habit infected my whole family. We started every day with nagging and scolding. So I brought this bad habit before God in prayer. I asked Him to help me overcome it. But I still often felt irritable and sensitive in the morning. Then I decided to start the day by singing some praise songs to the glory of God. Slowly I felt my bad habit gradually disappear. I not only sang words of thanks, I really felt thanks in my heart. So the mornings in our family totally changed."

How do you start the day? As Christians, surely we have every reason to thank God again and again for His goodness! Don't we want to praise Him every morning from the bottom of our hearts and honour Him by our behaviour? This will make us happy and will surely not be without effect on those around us.

Today's reading: Numbers 30:1-17 · Matthew 16:1-12


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