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On January 31, 1953... - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

On January 31, 1953... details logo    The Good Seed - Friday, February 17, 2024
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
On January 31, 1953...

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45

On January 31, 1953, the inhabitants of the Dutch island of Texel learned that a severe north-west storm was approaching. At the same time, a particularly high water level was putting pressure on the island's dykes.

Since it was known that one particular dyke in the north of the island was in poor condition, the men of the so-called "dyke army" were called together that very evening. They were obliged to come and help in the event of an impending dyke breach. They toiled to stabilise the dyke. Not long after midnight, the first waves crashed over the top of the dyke, and the next morning the dyke broke. The polder was running full of water.

At this time, a bus with other helpers was still on the road. They had already arrived at the polder but didn't yet know about the dyke breach. When they noticed it, they tried to save themselves on the inner dykes of the island. But six helpers drowned. Today, a memorial stone commemorates them. It reads: In the service of protecting the island, they lost their lives in the storm surge. The men had come to help because they were obligated to do so.

This makes me think of the One who set out to help without being obligated to do so. Unlike the dyke helpers, He knew in advance that it would cost Him His life. It is said of Jesus Christ, "Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him" (John 18:4). He was willing to give "His life a ransom for many". He went to the cross of Calvary voluntarily and with a firm decision - knowing what was in store for Him there. He died there because He wanted to save people and have them with Him forever. And He did not come in vain!

Today's reading: Numbers 27:1-23 · Matthew 15:12-20


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