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The mole - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

The mole details logo    The Good Seed - Friday, January 6, 2024
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
The mole

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26

The mole
A colourful children's picture book tells about a mole who tries to build his own mini-car. At the first attempt, the mole fetches all kinds of car parts such as bolts, nuts, spark plugs and a steering wheel. He puts them together and is surprised that his car doesn't run, even though he has only used original parts.

On his second attempt, he has more success. He finds a smashed toy car and, on the advice of a little mouse, drags it to a car repair shop. What happens there with the ruined toy borders on a miracle: a crane lifts up the wreckage and down comes a brand-new wind-up car! The overjoyed mole drives back to his hill with his ride-on vehicle, parks the mini-car and disappears overnight into his burrow with the wind-up key.

A remarkable story! Don't we too often struggle to forge our life's happiness on our own, instead of going with the wreckage of our lives - with all that sin has wrought in them - to Him who wants to help us to find a new life, full of meaning and hope?

Christ paid for our guilt with His death on the cross. When we bring the wreckage of our lives to God, He makes something brand new out of it: We are born anew and receive eternal life. This change is about to become visible: we have a desire to please God and serve Him. In addition, we experience inner peace and joy such as we have never known before. Test it out for yourself!

Today's reading: Numbers 3:27-51 · Matthew 3:13-17


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