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October 24, 2015 - All The Good Seed Daily Devotionals for 2024

October 24, 2015 details logo    The Good Seed - Saturday, October 24, 2015
  by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
October 24, 2015

Today's reading: Numbers 7:72-89

Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
Matthew 25:11-12

There are people who do not bother too much, if things do not go according to plan. They console themselves with the thought, "If one door closes, then another will open up." Thus they endeavour to come to grips with life in a positive sense.
In the Bible, God speaks of closed doors in several passages. The Lord Jesus once told the parable of the ten virgins, who were waiting for the bridegroom to appear. The five wise ones among them were ready, for they had oil in their lamps. They went into the wedding feast with the bridegroom, and the door was closed. At that point of time, the five foolish virgins were on their way to buy oil; they missed the bridegroom's appearance. When they later arrived for the wedding, they found themselves before a closed door. They were too late!
By means of this parable, God wishes to show us that the door of His grace will not always remain open. The moment will come, perhaps very soon, when it will no longer be possible to be saved for heaven by in Jesus Christ.
Can one say in that case: "When one door closes, another will open?" Yes indeed, but unfortunately not in a positive sense. When heaven's door closes, hell's door opens. That may sound horrific, but it's true.
Do not be deceived! Don't think you will get another chance later. Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour today!


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