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The LORD is near Daily Devotional Section - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

our daily bread daily devotional logo The LORD is near
by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr

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Date Topic
Saturday, September 26, 2021 The Blood of Christ (5)—For Our Justification
Friday, September 25, 2021 The Christian Under Human Government (3)
Thursday, September 24, 2021 Joshua's Service to the Lord
Wednesday, September 23, 2021 Diligence in Prayer
Tuesday, September 22, 2021 How Much Do You Value Christ?
Monday, September 21, 2021 Sharpen Your Own Tools (2)
Sunday, September 20, 2021 Sharpen Your Own Tools (1)
Saturday, September 19, 2021 The Blood of Christ (4)—To Purchase the Church
Friday, September 18, 2021 Lessons on Asa (1)—Making Good Use of Quiet Times
Thursday, September 17, 2021 The Christian Under Human Government (2)
Wednesday, September 16, 2021 The Consequences of Covetousness
Tuesday, September 15, 2021 The Deceitfulness of Sin and Its Antidote
Monday, September 14, 2021 Defeating the Enemy's Schemes Against the Christian Family
Sunday, September 13, 2021 Diligence in Prayer
Saturday, September 12, 2021 The Blood of Christ (3)—Blood and Water
Friday, September 11, 2021 Be Patient—The Lord Is Coming
Thursday, September 10, 2021 Eternal Security of the Believer
Wednesday, September 9, 2021 Lessons on Abijah (3)—God Delivers Those Who Call to Him
Tuesday, September 8, 2021 The Christian Under Human Government (1)
Monday, September 7, 2021 The Inspired Book
Sunday, September 6, 2021 Consequences of Following Wrong Advice
Saturday, September 5, 2021 The Blood of Christ (2)—Eating His Flesh and Blood
Friday, September 4, 2021 My Helper (2)
Thursday, September 3, 2021 My Helper (1)
Wednesday, September 2, 2021 The Importance of Godly Elders
Tuesday, September 1, 2021 The Blood of Christ (1) — Introduction
Monday, August 31, 2021 Knowing God's Will (2)
Sunday, August 30, 2021 Knowing God's Will (1)
Saturday, August 29, 2021 Doxologies of the New Testament (17)—Worship God and the Lamb
Friday, August 28, 2021 I Saw You
Thursday, August 27, 2021 Lessons on Abijah (2)—Spiritual Life: Appearances and Reality
Wednesday, August 26, 2021 Aquila and Priscilla, Helpers of Paul
Tuesday, August 25, 2021 "Blessed" in the Psalms (24)—Earthly and Heavenly Blessings
Monday, August 24, 2021 God's Love Is Immutable
Sunday, August 23, 2021 Yielded to Christ
Saturday, August 22, 2021 Doxologies of the New Testament (16)—Loves Us and Washed Us
Friday, August 21, 2021 Set Up Your Banner—Start Rejoicing Today
Thursday, August 20, 2021 Thoughts on Psalm 34
Wednesday, August 19, 2021 Lessons on Abijah (1)—Walking Humbly With God
Tuesday, August 18, 2021 Godly Examples of Prayer
Monday, August 17, 2021 "Blessed" in the Psalms (23)—Waiting for the Ultimate Blessing
Sunday, August 16, 2021 Fervor in Serving the Lord
Saturday, August 15, 2021 Doxologies of the New Testament (15)—Able to Keep Us
Friday, August 14, 2021 King of Peace
Thursday, August 13, 2021 Titus, Helper of Paul
Wednesday, August 12, 2021 A Merry Heart
Tuesday, August 11, 2021 What Is Fasting?
Monday, August 10, 2021 Caring for Our Brethren's Spiritual Welfare
Sunday, August 9, 2021 God, and Not Our Enemies, Is the Author of Our Circumstances
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...    Finding Wise Joy    Anyone who has...    Beyond Compare    Change yourself, change the world    You have more to learn

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