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Lessons on Jehoshaphat (1)—How Can the Lord Be with Us? - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Lessons on Jehoshaphat (1)—How Can the Lord Be with Us? details logo    The LORD is near - Sunday, November 8, 2021
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Lessons on Jehoshaphat (1)—How Can the Lord Be with Us?

Now the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the former ways of his father David; he did not seek the Baals, but sought the God of his father, and walked in His commandments and not according to the acts of Israel.
2 Chronicles 17:3-4

Lessons on Jehoshaphat (1)—How Can the Lord Be with Us?
The Lord was with Jehoshaphat. What a beautiful introduction and summary to the reign of Jehoshaphat. He certainly had some lessons to learn, as we find in the account of his reign, but this beautiful commendation is given of him. Is it also our desire that it be seen and known that the Lord is with us?

So why was the Lord with him? Only one reason is given: "He walked in the former ways of his father David." What does that mean? First, "he did not seek Baals, but sought the God of his father." Jehoshaphat could have gone after the religious trend of his time, but he rather chose to seek God, who had revealed Himself to his people. He had an earnest desire to know Him and to do those things that pleased Him. He could have turned to many other things or people for help and counsels, but he sought the God of his father.

Secondly, we read that he "walked in His commandments." It is easy to say we believe in God and want to do according to His will, and then walk just as we want. James made it clear that faith will manifest itself in our acts . To have knowledge of the Word of God and about God is useless if it is not put into practice. The Word of God should not be used to satisfy our curiosity or become a form of religious entertainment. It must be put into practice, just as Jehoshaphat did. What he knew, he did, and God was with him.

The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he sought Him and walked in His ways. As we walk piously in the path our Lord Jesus has set before us, He will be glorified and His work will be done through us. Consequently, it will be seen that the Lord is with us.

Alexandre Leclerc


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