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The Blood of Christ (4)—To Purchase the Church - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

The Blood of Christ (4)—To Purchase the Church details logo    The LORD is near - Saturday, September 19, 2021
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
The Blood of Christ (4)—To Purchase the Church

The Assembly of God, which He has purchased with the blood of His own.
Acts 20:28

The Blood of Christ (4)—To Purchase the Church
Our verse today shows us the purchase price for God's Assembly. In the parable of the merchant man seeking fine pearls, we find the merchant selling all that he had to acquire that one pearl ).

What a tremendous value this puts upon the true Church of God, made up of every true believer in the Lord Jesus! The cost to God to purchase it was the blood, in other words, the life given in death of His own beloved Son!

How solemn and sad, then, when we think of what Paul tells to the Ephesian elders about what would happen during the history of the Church on earth. Grievous wolves from outside were to infiltrate it, "not sparing the flock" (v. 29). But worse still, "from among your own selves [i.e. from inside the Church] shall rise up men speaking perverted things to draw away the disciples after them" (v. 30).

We mourn and weep as we think of how our God spared no expense to purchase the Church, and then of what has become of the outward, public testimony in the hands of men, even believing men. May our desire and prayer be to build up and to protect that which is so precious to God, until our Lord comes!

Kevin Quartell


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