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Set Up Your Banner—Start Rejoicing Today - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Set Up Your Banner—Start Rejoicing Today details logo    The LORD is near - Friday, August 21, 2021
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Set Up Your Banner—Start Rejoicing Today

We will triumph in Thy salvation, and in the name of our God will we set up our banners.
Psalm 20:5

Set Up Your Banner—Start Rejoicing Today
The Father has all delight in Christ as the perfect expression of His love—of all that life is—and we enter into His delight. What a God! Not contented to be Himself light and love in His own glory, He has presented light and love and glory to us in His Son. Has the delight and the blessedness of fellowship with Him up there revealed to us the poverty of all down here?

Are we a heavenly people? Have we heavenly stores laid up in Christ? Why put off the joy of heaven for a future day? Why not begin now to live in heaven? God calls us to rejoicing and joy in Christ now. Do I connect all the sorrows of the wilderness with Christ's glory? Have I set up as my banner: "For me to live is Christ"? Do I devote myself and all I have to Christ's glory, turning everything into an occasion for magnifying Him?

If my heart is breaking, what does it matter if I have Christ? He loves the brokenhearted. His heart cares for me as no mother cares for her child. Every throb of your heart is known to Him, and He beautifully knows how to show you how all-able He is to give you rest and a peace that passes all understanding. And if you are broken down bit by bit, it is only to fit you for the place He has prepared for you.

For the heart that is resting in Christ's love, there is a divine peace, a perfect repose, that Satan cannot shake. You will be wondering at your peace; you will be able to say of things that destroy the dearest hopes of your heart, "I thank God."

G. V. Wigram

Lord Jesus, we worship and bow at Thy feet,
And give Thee the glory, the honor that's meet;
While through Thee, O Savior, our praises ascend
To God and the Father through worlds without end.

Marie de Fleury


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