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Beyond Compare - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Beyond Compare details logo    The LORD is near - Thursday, September 19, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Beyond Compare

My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousand.
Song of Songs 5:10 NKJV

Beyond Compare
When King David, in an hour of national emergency, determined to lead his army in battle against Absalom and his rebels, his own loyal followers vigorously protested, saying, “You shall not go out! … you are worth ten thousand of us” (2 Sam. 18:3). If it were possible for us to muster a group of ten thousand worthies, including the greatest leaders, potentates, celebrities, principalities, governors, dignitaries, supervisors, legislators, presidents, emperors, kings, princes, lords and rulers, we should find that the one of chiefest dignity, noblest rank, and fairest countenance of all would be our blessed Lord and beloved Savior, Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:21).

Christ is more winsome than any language can possibly convey. The tongues of men and of angels falter when attempting to describe the transporting sight of a transfigured Savior, such as overwhelmed the three disciples on the mount. We need to be stirred to a state of rapture, fired with a burning heart to a degree of holy ecstasy, so that our souls can mount up with wings as eagles to behold in the highest and holiest the Chiefest among Ten Thousand. Lord, reveal Yourself that we may behold Your beauty in the sanctuary with its dignity and glory, until our enraptured hearts burst forth into songs of adoring gratitude, and we bless Your holy name in ceaseless praise.

The more we contemplate Him, the loftier and lovelier He becomes, until His personal attributes expand into a whole world of worthiness, a paradise of perfections, a constellation of comeliness, and a galaxy of glory. Amazing thought, that He should condescend to bear our sin, our shame, and our dishonor (Ps. 69:19).

-- Charles J. Rolls

No mortal can with Him compare, among the sons of men;

Fairer is He than all the fair that fill the heavenly train.

-- Samuel Stennett


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