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Passing Time or Redeeming the Time? - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Passing Time or Redeeming the Time? details logo    The LORD is near - Monday, March 11, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Passing Time or Redeeming the Time?

The world is passing, and its lust, but he that does the will of God abides for eternity.
1 John 2:17 JND

Passing Time or Redeeming the Time?
After the fall, the descendants of Cain tried to make their lives as pleasant as possible through possessions, music, and inventions of all kinds in order to be happy without God (Gen. 4). This very attitude is what still characterizes the world today.

How many things people have invented in the last 6,000 years that distract them from focusing on what is linked with eternity! Just think of the explosive development of technology and means of communication in the last few decades. These things are not evil in themselves and can certainly be used for good, but now they take up much more space in the lives of most of us than we would like. Twenty years ago, people were perfectly fine without a cell phone. Today, many people look at their smartphone on average about a hundred times a day, and they carry it around with them almost everywhere. How much time is lost—time which is actually entrusted to us to rightly spend in the light of eternity!

The Lord Jesus often purposely visited deserted or lonely places in order to be alone and to seek the will of God in prayer (Lk. 4:42; Mk. 1:35;). In the desert and on the mountain He was alone with His Father and found rest—before and after His ministry (Lk. 5:16; Mt. 14:23). Although He served tirelessly and did only good deeds, He was never stressed. He did not live under the tyranny of time! The Lord told His disciples to close the door behind them to talk to God alone in their chamber. While on the one hand, we have to open the windows of our hearts to the things of God (cf. Dan. 6:10), at the same time we have to consciously close the door of our hearts to everything that keeps us from prayer.

-- Philip Svetlik

Closed the door—we leave behind us toil and conflict, foes and strife;

And within, Thy love doth bind us in one fellowship of life.

-- T. H. Reynolds


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