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All the Frankincense (1) - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

All the Frankincense (1) details logo    The LORD is near - Sunday, March 3, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
All the Frankincense (1)

He shall bring it to Aaron’s sons, the priests, one of whom shall take from it his handful of fine flour and oil with all the frankincense.
Leviticus 2:2 NKJV

All the Frankincense (1)
Let the reader note particularly that “all the frankincense” was consumed on the altar. Why was this? Because frankincense typified the fragrance of Christ’s manhood as enjoyed exclusively by God Himself. There was that in Christ as a man down here, which only God could duly appreciate. Every thought, every look, every word, every movement, every act of “the Man Christ Jesus” emitted a fragrance which went up directly to the throne of God and refreshed the heart of Him who sat thereon. Not a single atom of Christ’s perfectness or preciousness was ever lost. It might be lost on a cold, heartless world, and even upon carnal and earthly-minded disciples, but it was not lost upon God. It all went up to Him according to its true value.

This is a spring of joy and comfort to the spiritual mind. When we think of how the blessed Lord Jesus was not appreciated in this world, how little even His own disciples understood or valued Him, how the rarest and most exquisite touches and traits of His perfect humanity were lost upon a rude and unbelieving world and even upon His own people, what a comfort to remember that He was perfectly understood and appreciated by the One who sat on the throne! The cloud of incense was continually ascending to the throne from the only perfect Man who ever trod this cursed and groaning earth.

Not a grain of the incense was lost because not a grain was entrusted even into the hands of the priests. All went up to God. The world might despise and hate, the disciples might fail to understand or appreciate; what then? Was a single ray of Christ’s moral glory to go for nothing? Surely not; all was duly estimated by Him for whom it was designed and who alone could value it aright.

-- C. H. Mackintosh


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