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Citizens of Heaven - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Citizens of Heaven details logo    The LORD is near - Wednesday, February 1, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Citizens of Heaven

Our commonwealth has its existence in the heavens, from which also we await the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3:20 JND

Citizens of Heaven
Everybody says that a Christian citizen should be interested in the government of the country to which he belongs, and ought to vote, so as to help to put good men in power. God says differently; in many places and ways He tells me that, as His child, I am not a citizen of any country, or a member of any society; my citizenship is in heaven, and I have henceforth to do with heavenly things; the cross of Christ has crucified me to the world, and the world to me; if I give my mind and heart to these earthly things I shall be the enemy of the cross of Christ.

What then shall we do with governments? Why, submit to them, since God orders them; and when they impose tax, pay; and make supplication to God for kings and all in authority. All that a Christian has to do with politics is to be subject to the powers set over him. It is true that in Christ he is heir of all things, including the earth in which the world-system now has its operation, yet (like Abraham in Canaan) God gives him not so much as to set his foot on for a present inheritance.

If, then, the true child of God refuses to vote, it is not so much that he thinks voting in itself wrong, as that he has given his vote and interest to the Man in heaven, whom God has exalted as King of kings, and Lord of lords. He has lost his interest in these things by virtue of something he has found which is far more attractive. He sees that the world in essence is ungodly, that its boasted reforms and improvement are all tending to shut out God from the heart of man. He desires to stand as a witness for the truth and for God, and of the coming judgment, at the appearing of Christ when men are congratulating themselves on peace and safety. He desires that others may escape the snare by which Satan is entrapping mankind.

-- J. N. Darby


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