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Human Love Pales in Comparison to God’s Love - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Human Love Pales in Comparison to God’s Love details logo    The LORD is near - Thursday, January 12, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Human Love Pales in Comparison to God’s Love

Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.
Matthew 19:29 NKJV

Human Love Pales in Comparison to God's Love
Our Lord Jesus assembles into this one verse a group of the tenderest of earthly relationships. But, human affection falls far short of the depth and intensity of His love. Are you solitary and desolate? Has bereavement severed earthly ties and sundered your closest links of earthly affection? Our Lord Jesus is One whose presence and fellowship can compensate for all losses and can supply all emptiness. If you are orphaned, friendless, or comfortless here, remember that there is One on the throne whose love is as deep as the unfathomed ocean and as boundless as eternity!

Who can claim the blessedness spoken of in this wondrous imagery? No outward profession will purchase it—no ritual, no ordinance, no ecclesiastical position! It belongs to those who do the will of the Father in heaven (Mt. 7:21). It belongs to the person who reflects the mind of Jesus, who is led by the Spirit, who takes God's Word as the regulator of his daily walk, and makes his goal that of becoming a humble, Christ-like, heaven-bound Christian. Such as these can claim this wondrous promise of love as their own!

If it is a worthy object of ambition to be loved by the good and great here on earth, then what must be the worth of an eye of love beaming down upon us from the throne in heaven! Does not the love of brother, sister, or parent pale in comparison? Just think! He looks down on us "poor worms" and refers to us as His brother, sister, mother—He is not ashamed to call us "brethren" (Mt. 12:48-50; Heb. 2:11). Have we known and believed "the love that God has for us" (1 Jn. 4:16)? How poor has been our response to this love!

-- J. R. MacDuff


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