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David’s Mighty Men (1) - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

David’s Mighty Men (1) details logo    The LORD is near - Wednesday, January 4, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
David’s Mighty Men (1)

[Eleazar] was with David at Pasdammim. Now there the Philistines were gathered for battle, and there was a piece of ground full of barley. So the people fled from the Philistines.
1 Chronicles 11:13 NKJV

David's Mighty Men (1)
Chronicles uses the term mighty men more often than do other books of the Bible. One of David's "three mighty men" (v. 12) was Eleazar, whose name means "God has helped." Many soldiers were fleeing for fear of the Philistines, but this man stayed put and defended a field full of barley. Why? Food for God's people must be kept out of enemy control. This mighty man learned from David to trust God in whatever situation he found himself, always ready to help His people. Even though left alone, this warrior remained with David while his coworkers fled. Eleazar kept defending that parcel of barley as the Philistines prepared for battle. David was not there in person, yet this fighter did not give in or give up but remained with David against all odds.

Today, though the Lord Jesus is absent from this scene, we can be "with Him" and make His interests our top priority. Eleazar did so with David: "They stationed themselves in the middle of that field, defended it, and killed the Philistines. So the Lord brought about a great victory" (v. 14). This implies salvation or deliverance and emphasizes God's saving hand.

God's salvation was the reward of their zeal. As the people were fleeing for fear of the Philistines, this mighty man strengthened himself in the Lord, just as David had done before in his dire need (1 Sam. 30:6). That kind of strengthening means to fully rely on the Lord. This is the secret of victory, still possible today. We learn much from David and his men, but most from our Lord Jesus Christ as we strengthen ourselves in Him and in His grace (2 Tim. 2:1).

-- Alfred E. Bouter


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