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Call Upon the Lord - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

Call Upon the Lord details logo    The LORD is near - Wednesday, December 7, 2023
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
Call Upon the Lord

He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.
Psalm 91:15 NKJV

Call Upon the Lord
This is what God says about a person who trusts completely in Him. His circumstances may be difficult, perhaps so difficult that he has no choice but to call upon the Lord. His call may be imprecise, impulsive, and born of need—an impulse prayer for help. But just such a call has its promises. God gives a fourfold promise:

"I will answer him." This is the first thing the believer needs in suffering, the assurance that we are not calling out into the void; that there is One who listens and answers, who takes time for us and has a loving interest in us.

"I will be with him in trouble." The affliction may still continue "if need be" (1 Pet. 1:6). But suddenly, you are no longer alone. As with Daniel's three friends in the furnace of fire, there is unexpectedly One with us whom the fire cannot harm, One "like the Son of God," as King Nebuchadnezzar observed in amazement. We experience the Lord differently in troubles than in good times, in a deeper, more intense communion.

"I will deliver him." Thanks be to God! Liberation comes because the Liberator comes. This is the case at the end, when the Lord will meet us in the air to receive His own to Himself. Then all pressure and suffering will have an end, once and for all.

"I will honor him." Glory awaits us! The glory of Paradise, the glory of the Father's house for all God's children, and the glory of the Kingdom which Christ will share with His own.

Let us call upon the Lord whenever we need it. His answer is sure for us. He walks with us through our circumstances. And the end of every trial is certain: His glory, which He has now already prepared for us.

-- Frank Ulrich


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