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All Men - All The LORD is near Daily Devotionals for 2024

All Men details logo    The LORD is near - Monday, September 9, 2024
  by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder Jr
All Men

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.
Titus 2:11 NKJV

All Men
Grace brings salvation to all because all need it. It is no longer confined to the Jews. The Sun has risen far above the Jewish horizon and poured His blessed beams over “all the world” so “every creature under heaven” may bask in the light thereof.

It must be obvious to my reader that the term “all” necessarily includes you. It could not possibly be otherwise. If you be not included, then it follows that there is someone for whom the grace of God has not brought salvation, but the Holy Spirit expressly declares that it brings salvation to all. This must satisfy the most anxious soul as to the question so often raised, “How am I to know that salvation is intended for me?” Is anyone excluded? Is not salvation brought to all? Does not this term embrace every anxious inquirer? Unquestionably! The declaration of the inspired writer is that “The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.” This is as plain as a sunbeam.

Men may reject this salvation—regretfully, they do reject it—but that can never touch the question of the wide aspect of that grace which shines with undimmed luster in the gospel and brings a full and free salvation to all. Their guilt in rejecting it flows from the fact that it is freely offered. If they could not get it, where would be their guilt in not having it? Where the righteous judgment in punishing men for not receiving what was never intended for them (cf. 2 Th. 1:6–10)? True it is that God is sovereign, but it is equally true that man is responsible. Are we called to reconcile these things? No, they are reconciled already inasmuch as both are taught in the Word. All we have to do is believe them.

-- C. H. Mackintosh

How rich is Thy mercy, how great Thy salvation!

We bless Thee, we praise Thee, Amen, and Amen.

-- M. Bowley


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