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The Language of Homecoming - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2025

The Language of Homecoming details logo    Our Daily Bread - Saturday, March 15, 2025
  by RBC Ministries
The Language of Homecoming

Bible in a Year : Deuteronomy 26-27, Mark 14:27-53

We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!
Acts 2:11

Today's Scripture & Insight : Acts 2:1-11

Karen, a Jamaican Christian, had always studied the Bible in English. It was Jamaican Creole, however, that she grew up with at home. One day, a team from Wycliffe Caribbean, a Bible translation organisation, presented her with a New Testament translated into Creole. Reading it was a surprisingly moving experience for her. “It made me understand that God speaks my heart language,” she explained. “I felt at home and closer to God.”

Karen’s delight in reading the Bible in her native tongue calls to mind the astonishment experienced by the multinational Jewish crowd in Jerusalem at the first Pentecost. When the Spirit came to the disciples, tongues of fire above their heads indicated the gift of ‘tongues’, or ‘languages’, that the uneducated Galileans then began speaking miraculously (Acts 2:1–4). Impossibly, each person in the crowd, “from every nation under heaven” (v. 5) heard their language spoken: “we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” (v. 11). God wanted them to hear the good news of Christ in their ‘heart language’ so it was personal and precious to them.

Even as a native English speaker, spoiled for choice with translations, I often find it helpful to spend time studying a passage, then writing it out prayerfully, using vocabulary and phrasing that sounds truly like me. This method of meditating on God’s word is a way we can hear God speaking in our own ‘heart language’.

By: Tanya Marlow

Reflect & Pray
What makes God’s Word come alive for you? Which nations of the world could you pray for to have Bible translations in their own language?

Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You bestow us with gifts and bring God’s Word to our hearts. Help me to hear Your message today.
The Language of Homecoming


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