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Time to Party - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

Time to Party details logo    Our Daily Bread - Tuesday, July 23, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
Time to Party

Bible in a Year : Psalms 33-34, Acts 24

Let’s have a feast and celebrate.
Luke 15:23

Today's Scripture & Insight : Luke 15:11-13, 17-24

Our former church in Virginia held baptisms in the Rivanna River where often the sunshine is warm, but the water is frigid. After our Sunday service, we’d load into our cars and caravan to a city park where neighbors tossed Frisbees and kids mobbed the playground. We were quite a spectacle, traipsing to the river’s edge. Standing in the icy water, I would offer Scripture and immerse those being baptized into this tangible expression of God’s love. As they emerged, soaked to the bone, cheers and clapping erupted. Climbing up the bank, friends and family enveloped the newly baptized in hugs—everyone getting drenched. We had cake, drinks, and snacks. The neighbors watching didn’t always understand what was happening, but they knew it was a celebration.

In Luke 15, Jesus’ story of the prodigal son (vv. 11-32) reveals that it’s cause for celebration whenever someone returns home to God. Anytime someone says yes to God’s invitation, it’s time to party. When the son who’d abandoned his father returned, the father immediately insisted on showering him with a designer robe, a shiny ring, and new shoes. “Bring the fattened calf,” he said. “Let’s have a feast and celebrate” (v. 23). A massive, exuberant party including whoever would join the revelry was a fitting way “to celebrate” (v. 24).

By: Winn Collier

Reflect & Pray
Where have you seen transformation and healing happen? What could celebration in these moments look like?

Dear God, I have much to celebrate, and this joy flows from You and Your work in my life.
Time to Party


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