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Better Together in Christ - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

Better Together in Christ details logo    Our Daily Bread - Sunday, July 14, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
Better Together in Christ

Bible in a Year : Psalms 10-12, Acts 19:1-20

Harmony is as refreshing as the dew.
Psalm 133:3 nlt

Today's Scripture & Insight : Psalm 133

Dr. Tiffany Gholson had seen crime impact her small American city of East Saint Louis, Illinois, in many ways. By 2023, however, the town recorded a 31 percent drop in homicides and a 37 percent drop in crime overall. What happened? A partnership. Working together, the city’s Public Safety Enforcement Group—including the state and city police, the city school district, and a faith organization—combined efforts to turn the tide for all citizens.

“We say it’s a marriage,” Dr. Gholson stated, with all members of the city partnership joining in to help citizens. The school district’s Wraparound Wellness Center, which she leads, involves school social workers, nurses, and staff to support kids impacted by crime or accidents. Other agencies share their strengths. Police commit to talk more with people on the street—and listen.

The psalmist David wrote, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). “Harmony,” David added, “is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon” (v. 3 nlt). David was referring to people who share a unifying faith in God. Rather than divided by doctrines or politics, we are one. The concept may feel elusive, yet it blesses all. It’s a beautiful goal for believers to show concern for one another—especially in our cities desperately in need of the love of Jesus.

By: Patricia Raybon

Reflect & Pray
Where do you see a lack of unity? How might God be prompting you to promote unity by living out your faith?

Father, please help me by the power of Your Spirit to work for unity in my community.
Better Together in Christ


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