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Called and Equipped by God - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

Called and Equipped by God details logo    Our Daily Bread - Saturday, May 18, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
Called and Equipped by God

Bible in a Year : 1 Chronicles 4-6, John 6:1-21

I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom . . . and with all kinds of skills.
Exodus 31:3

Today's Scripture & Insight : Exodus 31:1-11

“Your job for the international book expo,” my boss informed me, “is to organize an onsite radio broadcast.” I felt fear because this was new territory for me. God, I’ve never done anything like this, I prayed. Please help me.

God provided resources and people to guide me: experienced technicians and broadcasters, plus reminders during the expo of details I’d overlooked. In retrospect, I know that the broadcast went well because He knew what was needed and prompted me to use the skills He’d already given me.

When God calls us to a task, He also equips us for it. When He assigned Bezalel to work on the tabernacle, Bezalel was already a skilled craftsman. God further equipped him by filling him with His Spirit and with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and all kinds of skills (Exodus 31:3). God also gave him an assistant in Oholiab, as well as a skilled workforce (v. 6). With His enablement, the team designed and made the tent, its furnishings, and the priests’ garments. These were instrumental in the Israelites’ proper worship of God (vv. 7-11).

Bezalel means “in the shadow [protection] of God.” The craftsman worked on the project of a lifetime under God’s protection, power, and provision. Let’s courageously obey His prompting as we carry out a task to completion. He knows what we need, and how and when to give it.

By: Karen Huang

Reflect & Pray
What task is God calling you to carry out? In what areas can you pray for His guidance?

Father, thank You for equipping me with all that I need.
Called and Equipped by God


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