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Jesus Our King - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

Jesus Our King details logo    Our Daily Bread - Monday, January 30, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
Jesus Our King

Bible in a Year : Exodus 23-24, Matthew 20:1-16

See, a king will reign in righteousness . . . like streams of water in the desert.
Isaiah 32:1-2

Today's Scripture & Insight : Isaiah 32:1-8

While drilling for oil in one of the sunniest and driest countries in the world, teams were shocked to uncover a huge underground system of water. So, in 1983 the "great man-made river" project was begun, placing a system of pipes to carry the high-quality fresh water to cities where it was sorely needed. A plaque near the project's inception states, "From here flows the artery of life."

The prophet Isaiah used the image of water in a desert to describe a future righteous king (Isaiah 32). As kings and rulers reigned with justice and righteousness, they would be like "streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land" (v. 2). Some rulers choose to take instead of give. The mark of a God-honoring leader, however, is someone who brings shelter, refuge, refreshment, and protection. Isaiah said that "the fruit of [God's] righteousness will be peace" for His people, and "its effect will be quietness and confidence forever" (v. 17).

Isaiah's words of hope would later find fullness of meaning in Jesus, who "himself will come down from heaven . . . . And so we will be with the Lord forever" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). "The great man-made river" is just that—made by human hands. Someday that water reservoir will be depleted. But our righteous King brings refreshment and water of life that will never run dry.

By: Karen Pimpo

Reflect & Pray
Where do you need Jesus to bring the water of life? How can you follow His example of bringing refreshment to others?

Dear Jesus, thank You for bringing peace through Your perfectly righteous rule.
Jesus Our King


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