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"GORGEOUS INSIDE” - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

   Our Daily Bread - Sunday, October 11, 2015
  by RBC Ministries


To be spiritually minded is life and peace.
-Romans 8:6

Isaiah 37-38
Colossians 3

It's a rather nondescript house that sits on a bush thoroughfare. With no distinctive characteristics, this rather plain house is easy to ignore. But as I drove past it the other day, I noticed a "For Sale" sign in the yard. Attached to the sign was a smaller notice that happily announced "I'm gorgeous inside." While I'm not in the market for a new house, that sign intrigued me. What could make this otherwise forgettable house gorgeous inside?
It also made me wonder: Could that sign apply to us as followers of Jesus? Think about it. No matter what we look like on the outside, shouldn't there be within us a beauty that reveals God's love and work in our lives?
What does the Bible say about inner beauty? We might start with Romans 7:22, which says,"In my inner being I delight in God's law"(NIV). A few verses later in Romans 8:6, Paul speaks of a Spirit-controlled mind that is characterised by "life and peace." And in Galatians, we see that letting the spirit take charge of our inner being will build in us the "fruit of the Spirit"(5:22), a beautiful array of qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness.
Delighting in Scripture and allowing the Spirit to work in our heart will make us look good on the inside - and will pay off in a life that honours God. - Dave Branon.
Dear Lord, I pray that through the work of Your Spirit dwelling within me I will be transformed into a grand display of the fruit that will attract others to you and reflect glory back to You.

Righteousness in your heart produces beauty in your character.


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