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Speaking Truthfully in Christ - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

Speaking Truthfully in Christ details logo    Our Daily Bread - Friday, September 6, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
Speaking Truthfully in Christ

Bible in a Year : Psalms 148-150, 1 Corinthians 15:29-58

Each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
Ephesians 4:25

Today's Scripture & Insight : Ephesians 4:22-29

A man was adept at beating his personal traffic tickets by lying. When he appeared before various judges in court, he would tell the same tale: “I broke up with my girlfriend and she took my car without my knowledge.” In addition, he had been repeatedly reprimanded for misconduct while on the job. Prosecutors finally charged him with four counts of perjury and five counts of forgery for allegedly lying to judges under oath and providing fictitious police reports. For this man, lying had become a lifelong habit.

In contrast, the apostle Paul said that telling the truth is a vital habit for believers in Jesus to live out. He reminded the Ephesians that they’d put away their old way of living through surrendering their lives to Christ (Ephesians 2:1-5). Now, they needed to live like the new people they’d become, incorporating specific actions into their lives. One such action was something to cease—“put off falsehood”—and the other action something to practice—“speak truthfully to your neighbor” (4:25). Because it protected the unity of the church, the Ephesians were to always have their words and actions be about “building others up” (v. 29).

As the Holy Spirit helps us (vv. 3-4), believers in Jesus can strive for truth in their words and actions. Then the church will be unified, and God will be honored.

By: Marvin Williams

Reflect & Pray
What will help you consistently tell the truth? How do your words reflect new life in Christ?

Dear God, please help me to put away falsehood and clothe myself in Your truth.
Speaking Truthfully in Christ


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