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Our Impact on Others - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

Our Impact on Others details logo    Our Daily Bread - Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
Our Impact on Others

Bible in a Year : Psalms 105-106, 1 Corinthians 3

Believers . . . testified about your faithfulness to the truth.
3 John 1:3

Today's Scripture & Insight : 3 John 1:1-8

When Dr. Lee, my seminary professor, noticed that Benjie, our school custodian, would be late in joining our lunch gathering, he quietly set aside a plate of food for him. As my classmates and I talked, Dr. Lee also quietly placed the last slice of rice cake on a dish for him—adding some grated coconut as a delicious topping. This kind act of an eminent theologian was one of many—and what I consider an overflow of Dr. Lee’s faithfulness to God. Twenty years later, the deep impression he made on me remains.

The apostle John had a dear friend who also left a deep impression on many believers. They talked about Gaius as one who was faithful to God and the Scriptures, continually walking in “the truth” (3 John 1:3). Gaius showed hospitality to traveling preachers of the gospel, even though they were strangers (v. 5). As a result, John said to him, “They have told the church about your love” (v. 6). Gaius’ faithfulness to God and to other believers in Jesus helped further the gospel.

The impact my teacher had on me and the impact Gaius had in his day are powerful reminders that we can leave an impact on others—one that God can use in drawing them to Christ. As we walk faithfully with God, let’s live and act in a way that helps other believers walk faithfully with Him too.

By: Karen Huang

Reflect & Pray
How do you know that you’re walking in the truth? What can others learn from your life?

Dear God, I need Your help to be faithful to You and Your truth. Please help me to live in a manner that will draw others to You.
Our Impact on Others


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