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Infinite Desires - All Billy Graham Daily Devotionals for 2024

Infinite Desires details logo    Daily Devotion - Wednesday, September 18, 2024
  by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Infinite Desires

For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
—Hebrews 13:14

One of the basic desires of the soul is to live on and on. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. People may grow tired of aches and pains and the decrepitude of old age, but they do not grow tired of life itself. God has arranged to satisfy this yearning of the soul to live forever, and the desire to be free from pain and sickness and trouble. People are little creatures with big capacities, finite beings with infinite desires, deserving nothing but demanding all. God made people with this huge capacity and desire in order that He might come in and completely satisfy that desire. God made the human heart so big that only He can fill it. He made it demand so much that only He can supply that demand … Jesus Christ is the only one who holds the keys of death. In His death and resurrection He took the sting out of death, and now God offers eternal life to every person who puts his trust and faith in His Son Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the day
Lord Jesus, when I come to the end of this earthly life, You will be there to guide me to my heavenly home. Thank You, my loving Father.
Billy Graham Daily Devotion: Infinite Desires

Today's Devotional Topics
...    Finding Wise Joy    Anyone who has...    Beyond Compare    Change yourself, change the world    You have more to learn

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