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10 Easy Ways Your Church Can Grow Its Congregation
Posted by Temmy
Mon, July 01, 2024 3:55pm

10 Easy Ways Your Church Can Grow Its Congregation

Here are 10 things that ANY church – no matter its size or budget, worship style, or denomination – can do to help ensure it will grow numerically. I honestly can’t envision a scenario where any of these 10 could not be pursued and, if they haven’t yet been pursued, wouldn’t result in increased growth.

1. Prioritize Children. Your children’s ministry is arguably the greatest growth engine you can invest in to reach families. Period.

2. Get a Website. There is no excuse for a church not having a website. They are easy to create, cheap to sustain, and absolutely the way people will first explore your church.

3. Be Friendly. I don’t mean friendly to people you know, or friendly to people you like, or friendly to people who are like you. I mean friendly to all people.

4. Pursue Excellence. Excellence is doing the best you can with what you have. This means it’s not about the amount of money, talent, or resources you have to work with but how you work with the amount of money, talent, and resources you have.

5. Become Sensitive. Meaning become sensitive to what it’s like to come to your church as someone who isn’t a Christian, hasn’t been to a church before, and doesn’t know anything about the Bible. Think through what it would be like for that person to attend your church, and then think about how you could be a little more… sensitive.

6. Act Bigger. If you have 75 people in average attendance and act like a 75-attender church, you will stay a 75-attender church. The key to becoming a 200-attender church is to prepare and act like one beforehand. Whatever your current size, think bigger.

7. Stay Biblical. If you are a Christian church, be a Christian church. That means unapologetically going to the Bible and then going with the Bible—not to mention how the Bible applies to life. Otherwise, you have nothing to offer the world that it does not already have.

8. Encourage Inviting. The number one reason churches grow is because their current attendees are inviting, and leaders are honoring those inviters by creating a culture of invitation.

9. Stop Fighting. Jesus said the one thing that would arrest the attention of the world is a church that is unified in love. Which means the one thing that would most repel the world is a church that is divided in acrimony.

10. Start Praying. Wait… you haven’t unleashed the most powerful church growth tool of all?



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