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The Purity of Marriage - All Billy Graham Daily Devotionals for 2024

The Purity of Marriage details logo    Daily Devotion - Sunday, August 25, 2024
  by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
The Purity of Marriage

Whatsoever things are pure . . . think on these things.
—Philippians 4:8

Nowhere does the Bible teach that sex in itself is a sin. Man in his sinful nature has taken what was intended to be a glorious and complete act of love between two people and has made it something low, cheap, and dirty. The Bible is one of the world’s outspoken books on the subject of sex, and the Bible condemns sex outside the bonds of matrimony. The fact that immorality is rampant throughout the nation doesn’t make it right; the fact that some clergymen may condone it doesn’t make it right. The Bible says, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25). Under Jewish law adultery was punishable by death. Under God’s law today it also results in spiritual death.

Prayer for the day
All around me, breaking Your laws is made so enticing, Father. Help me to keep my eyes on Jesus.
The Purity of Marriage


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