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This website offers you choice devotionals to read every day. This helps you read your Bible effectively and daily.

Devotional Today's Message Topic
Our Daily Bread daily devotional 2024
Our Daily Bread 2024
2023 2022 2021
Finding Wise Joy
The Good Seed daily devotional 2024
The Good Seed 2024
2023 2022 2021
Anyone who has a bank account has...
the LORD is near daily devotional 2024
The LORD is near 2024
2023 2022 2021
Beyond Compare
Billy Graham evangelistic association daily devotional 2024
Billy Graham 2024
2023 2022 2021
Change Yourself, Change the World
the Word for Today daily devotional 2024
The Word for Today 2024
2023 2022 2021
You have more to learn
Benefits of reading your Bible everyday
  • You hear from God.
  • You get closer to God; the Holy Spirit will begin to dwell in you.
  • You begin to hate sin and sinful thoughts and don't want to entertain them anymore; your mind and thoughts start becoming pure.
  • You will grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding; you will become subtle and smart.
  • You will get answers to life's questions and solutions to challenges.
  • You will begin to meditate on God's Word naturally; the scripture you have read will find a way of coming back to your head from time to time and the Holy Spirit will begin to expound the scriptures to you.
  • You become bold and fearless.
  • You find it easy to obey civil laws, rules and regulations wherever you find yourself.
Please click any devotional topic of choice above to read today's message.

Our daily bread daily dev online Our Daily Bread
by RBC Ministries
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Finding Wise Joy

Bible in a Year : Ecclesiastes 1-3, 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

You will fill me with joy in your presence.
Psalm 16:11

Today's Scripture & Insight : Psalm 16

The pandemic was winning. That’s how it looked to Jason Persoff, an emergency room doctor at a large hospital committed to saving patients with Covid. How could he give his best? During off hours, he relaxed by taking enlarged photos of something...More

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The Good Seed daily dev online The Good Seed
by GBV Dillenburg GmbH
Tomorrow Today Yesterday Archives
Anyone who has a bank account has...

But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness.
Romans 4:5

Anyone who has a bank account has the opportunity to read their bank statements. Records in debit usually do not please us so much, because then our balance has become smaller. Entries in credit, on the other hand, cause our cash balance to grow. And on this side of the bank statement, unexpected amounts are always very...More

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the LORD is near daily dev online The LORD is near
by Jacob Redekop, Brian Reynolds, John van Dijk, Eugene P. Vedder, Jr
Tomorrow Today Yesterday Archives
Beyond Compare

My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousand.
Song of Songs 5:10 NKJV

Beyond Compare
When King David, in an hour of national emergency, determined to lead his army in battle against Absalom and his rebels, his own loyal followers vigorously protested, saying, “You shall not go out! … you are worth ten thousand of us” (2 Sam. 18:3). If it were possible for us to muster a group of ten thousand worthies, including the greatest...More

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Billy Graham daily dev online Daily Devotion
by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
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Change Yourself, Change the World

Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
—Romans 14:12

I do not quarrel with Karl Marx’s statement that “religion is the opiate of the people.” I never try to defend religion. Religion has spawned wars. Many so-called religious people have been characterized by prejudice, pride, bickering, and even tolerance for slavery. However, I would call you to a simple faith in Jesus, who said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Are you...More

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More Inspiring Daily Devotionals

the Word for today daily dev online The Word for Today
by Bob and Debby Gass
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You have more to learn

‘Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD.’ Hosea 6:3 KJV

Having a ‘statement of faith’ is a good thing because it lets people know your beliefs and values and where you stand on the issues. But it also carries with it a certain danger; you can end up believing you know all there is to know about the subject or at least all that is important to know. The Bible challenges us to keep learning and growing spiritually: ‘Then shall we know,...More

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